Thursday, December 26, 2013

Michigan Audubon - December 20, 2013

Providing High Quality Bird Food

Now that you have your feeder and know where to place it, let’s discuss what to fill each feeder with to provide the birds with the best, high quality food available.
Sunflower Seeds - #1 bird seed choice!
Sunflower seeds are an excellent food to provide birds withblack oil sunflower seeds (Sergey Parantaev) 2Black Oil Sunflower seeds are the BEST food to offer birds and the most favored seed, for good reasons. Black oil sunflower seeds (pictured right) are high in nutrients and high in good fat, plus the small size and thin shell make it easy for most birds to consume.  Other types of sunflower seeds include, striped sunflower seeds, which are larger and have a thicker shell and hulled sunflower seeds which have the shell removed.

Feeder types to use sunflower seeds in: platform, tube or hopper feeders, you can also sprinkle sunflower seeds on the ground.

Birds that eat sunflower seeds: As the preferred seed, almost all birds that visit your winter feeder will consumer black oil and hulled sunflower seeds.  Only cardinals, jays and grosbeaks will eat the striped sunflower seeds, due to the thick shell.

Nyjer (a.k.a. Thistle)
Nyjer Seed (Sarah Marchant )Nyjer seed is a preferred seed for winter finches.  Like sunflower seeds, nyjer is an oily seed high in calories and fat, providing birds with effective food. Nyjer can easily spoil so make sure to replace the seed every few weeks. 

There is a common mistake that nyjer is the same thing as thistle seed, they are actually two different types of seed.  Nyjer seed is imported strictly from Asia and Africa and is not cultivated here in the U.S. In 1998, the seed was renamed nyjer (originally niger) to avoid any offensive mispronunciation.  Thistle, which does grow in the U.S., is considered a noxious weed and capable of overtaking farm fields. The seeds are very similar in size and shape but if birds are given the choice between nyjer and thistle seed the birds will always choose nyjer because the seed is a superior source of energy and nutrients compared to thistle seed. 

Feeder types to use nyjer in: mesh or sock feeders along with specifically designed finch/nyjer feeders

Birds that eat nyjer seeds:
 Pine Siskin, Common Redpoll, Hoary Redpoll, Purple Finch, House Finch, American Goldfinch

Peanuts are a great winter bird food choice because they areshelled peanutslong-lasting, will not freeze and provide a high amount of protein, calories and good fat.  You may offer the peanuts whole or shelled along with offering peanut butter. Both peanuts and peanut butter are often ingredients in suet.

Feeder types to use peanuts in: specifically designed peanut feeders, platform feeders and hopper feeders, additionally peanuts can be sprinkled on the ground. You can also smear peanut butter on tree bark and pine cones or provide dabs of it in platform feeders.

Birds that eat whole peanut seeds:
 Blue Jay, Gray Jay, Northern Cardinal, and Evening Grosbeak
Birds that eat shelled peanut seeds: Tufted Titmouse, Black-capped Chickadee, Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatch, Mourning Dove and Northern Flicker, Hairy, Downy, Red-bellied and Pileated Woodpecker
White proso millet seedThere is a wide variety of millet seed out there including red, golden, striped and the favored, white proso millet (pictured right).  When offering millet stick to the white proso millet and try not to use too much.  While still a good source of protein and fiber, birds tend to choose other higher quality seeds (such as sunflowers and nuts) over millet.

Feeder types to use white proso millet in: platform and hopper feeders as well as sprinkling the seed on the ground

Birds that eat millet seeds:
 Mourning Dove, Dark-eyed Junco, Northern Cardinal, House Finch, Pine Siskin
Mixed Bagged Bird Seed
When offering mixed bagged bird seed purchase the seed with caution.  According to Cornell specialists, manufacturers of less-expensive pre-packaged birdseed mixes may use large amounts of golden millet, red millet and flax as fillers. Additionally, many mixes have corn added, while corn is a good seed it will attract unwanted birds such as house sparrows and blackbirds. Look instead, for mixes that offer a large amount of sunflower seeds and nuts with little millet. If you are unsure about what type of mixed seed you would like to offer refer to the Wild Bird Unlimited (WBU) store nearest you or check out their online store. WBU will offer some of the best and productive bird seed mixes.

mixed bird seed (bad)mixed bird seed (good) (Debbie Case)
Depending on the mix, the bagged bird seed will attract a wide variety of birds and can be used in platform or tube feeders.
Suet, which is actually animal fat, is easily digested and metabolized by many birds; it's a high-energy food, especially valuable in cold weather. Suet often includes corn meal, peanuts, fruits, and even dried insects and 
Suet Cakes (Susy Morris) 2can be found in several different forms such as cakes, balls, and logs.  There are also an abundance of suet cake recipesif you want to make your own.

Feeder types to use suet in: metal, plastic or mesh suet cages, old onion bags and pine cones

Birds that eat suet: Northern Flicker, Hairy, Downy, Red-bellied and Pileated  Woodpecker, Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatch, Black-capped chickadee, Blue Jay, European Starling, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Tufted Titmouse

Now, that you have a good base on backyard winter bird feeding get out and create a wonderful and productive winter feeding station! And check back to learn about the birds that will now visit your feeders!

Good luck and happy birding!

Your Bird Crew,
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Science Daily - December 17, 2013

A rabbit relative known as a pika sits among wood, moss and rocks on rockslide or talus slope in Oregon's Columbia River Gorge. A University of Utah study found the pikas -- which normally live at much higher elevations and are threatened by climate change -- survive at nearly sea level in Oregon by eating more moss than any other known wild mammal. (Credit: Mallory Lambert, University of Utah.)

A roly-poly pika gathers much moss: High-fiber salad bar may help lagomorphs survive climate change

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mulling Over the Events of My Life

Oliver guarding the tree

I have a tendency to enmesh myself too deeply into the lives of others.  What starts out as a good intention becomes an exercise in knowing exactly what the other person wants or needs. During these episodes, I wring myself physically exhausted from lack of sleep and emotionally drained as it becomes apparent that my way is usually not what the other person wants.

One such event occurred in the past month and it wasn’t until last night that I realized that I was to blame for all my exhaustion. In my head, I had created scenarios of every possible thing that could go wrong reinforced by my perceived weaknesses and faults of the other individuals. If only they would just fall into line, then everything would be okay.

I struggled for almost a week after the dust of the event settled, unable to calm my mind. I re-enacted time and again all the harsh words, nasty emails and cold silences that had played out over the weeks. I had said that I have forgiven but in reality they were just words. In my soul, I was still the martyr, the one who sacrificed my life to help but was now the victim of unjustified scorn.

The weather added to my misery. A storm blew across Lake Michigan, bringing a steady snowfall and bitterly cold temperatures. I went outside only to clear the driveway then secluded myself in the house. Agitated, I re-installed games on my cell phone and played endless hours of Solitaire and Candy Crush. It numbed the mind but didn’t calm my emotions.

Finally, I agree to lunch with a friend, venturing out on the icy roads for the first time all week. We sat in a small cafĂ©, ate our veggie sandwiches and commiserated about the travesties in our lives. Afterwards I returned home, tired from the tense drive and the heavy lunch. I went to bed early and lied awake for hours. Finally, I turned on the light and pulled out my reading.  I am reading three books at one time, the book of Luke in the Bible, Emmet Fox’s Sermon on the Mount and the Japanese novel, I am A Cat. A strange combination at first glance, but last night, all three books converged into one revelation.  The first chapter in Luke described the annunciation of Mary and the elderly Elizabeth’s giving birth to John the Baptist. Both women could have denied the gifts the angels gave them, but instead accepted them without question.  In the Sermon of the Mount, I had reached the chapter where Fox described how the thoughts we possess have an outward effect on how our lives unfold.  The unnamed cat in I am A Cat, devastated by the death of the beautiful Tortoiseshell, no longer saw himself as a cat but a human, like his caretaker.

In each story, the protagonist dismissed the “logic” of the world around them. They chose instead to turn inward and saw that if they only believed, their subconscious thoughts became reality. At that moment I realized that I had been the obstacle to my peace of mind. Too consumed by the garbage flittering around in my head, I had made my life miserable. The emergency that had triggered the stream of events over the past weeks had passed and everything was back to normal. It was only my insistence of rehashing those events that kept them festering. Once I made the decision to be rid of the noxious thoughts, the anxiety passed and I found myself calm.

Instead of cursing the snow, I now saw the playful activity of the fat, fuzzy squirrels creating tracks through the white fluff. Unlike the previous mornings, there were no vomit spews, no pee puddles or poo bundles awaiting me only the sight of sleeping kitties under the Christmas tree. How much drama I had inflicted on my feline friends unnecessarily!!  I had finally embraced the blessings of the Christmas season.

ARKive - Japanese Cranes

Japanese crane video

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Domestication of dogs may have elaborated on a pre-existing capacity of wolves to learn from humans - Science Daily - December 3, 2013

The researchers conclude that the ability to learn from other species, including humans, is not unique to dogs but was already present in their wolf ancestors. Prehistoric humans and the ancestors of dogs could build on this ability to better coordinate their actions. (Credit: Wolf Science Center)
Domestication of dogs may have elaborated on a pre-existing capacity of wolves to learn from humans

History of American urban squirrel - Science Daily - December 7, 2013

A cartoon from the Harvard Lampoon from 1903 speaks to the ubiquity of gray squirrels in Boston, as well as many other American cities, around the turn of the 20th century. (Credit: L.F. Peck, "Hi, Mister! Scramble a Nut?" Harvard Lampoon, Vol. 46, No. 6 (Dec. 17, 1903), 121. Harvard University Archives, HUK 510.)Add caption

History of American urban squirrel

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Michigan Audubon Connecting birds and people - November 29, 2013

Photo Credit: Steve Byland/123RF
Featuring: The Long-tailed Duck
formerly known as the Oldsquaw

Wintering Grounds
These ducks winter on the open ocean or large lakes along the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes. Occasionally, they are found wintering on the northern shores of the Gulf Coast.

Breeding Grounds
Long-tailed Ducks are arctic waterfowl that are found in the summer months in Alaska, the Canadian provinces of Yukon, The Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Manitoba, Quebec and Newfoundland.

Migration Range
Late migrants, these ducks are observed migrating through Ontario and Quebec along with Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and most of the New England states between September and November.

Size & Shape
Medium-sized diving ducks, males display a long central tail.  The duck measures 15 to 22.8 inches in length with a wing span of around 28 inches and weighing between 17.6 to 38.8 ounces. Females tend to be slightly smaller than the males.

Unlike most ducks, the Long-tailed Duck goes through a unique sequence of three different plumages throughout the year. According to Cornell Lab, “the Long-tailed Duck has three distinct plumages each year, achieved in a complex series of overlapping partial molts. The Definitive Basic Plumage is never worn in its entirety, as portions of Alternate are retained through the summer and elements of the Supplemental are acquired before all of Basic Plumage is obtained. Therefore change in plumage seems continuous from April to October.”

 Adult males display a white crown, neck andLong-tailed duck (oldsquaw) male_( Steve byland)
breast with a grey patch around their eyes. A large black spot extends from the cheek down the side of the neck along with a black band across the lower neck and breast. He has a black back and central tail feathers.  Upper back feathers are long and grey. He has dull yellow-brown eyes.
Summer: Males display a black head, chest and wings with a grey patch surrounding its eyes. Upper back feathers are long and sandy colored with black centers. Central tail feathers are very long.
FemaleLTDU 090313 ausable non breeding female MG8918
 White head and neck with a round dark cheek patch. She displays a grey crown, breast and back with a white belly.
Summer: Adult females display a dark head and neck with white around the eyes. Back and breast is brown to grey; her eyes are brown.

Juveniles: Immature Long-tailed Ducks resemble adults of the same sex.

“Unlike other waterfowl, the Long-tailed Duck wears its "breeding" or Alternate Plumage only in the winter. It gets its "nonbreeding" or Basic Plumage in the spring and wears it for the breeding season. Most other ducks wear the nonbreeding plumage only for a short period in the late summer.” Cornell Lab.

During the winter months these ducks can be found far offshore in fresh estuarine, saline, brackish waters or on large, deep freshwater lakes. They can be found in large rafts on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. During the breeding season they prefer open oceans or large lakes that provide both aquatic and terrestrial environment in close proximity, such as the marshy grass tundra in the arctic.

Long-tailed Ducks are one of the deepest diving ducks in North America; diving to depths of 200 feet. When diving it preys on crustaceans, mollusks, marine invertebrates, small fish, fish eggs, freshwater insects and insect larvae. It also consumes some plant materials such as algae, grasses, seeds and fruits in the tundra biome. Mature adults typically spend 80% of their day foraging during the winter months. Dive times range from around 25 seconds all the way up to 60 seconds and normally occur around 320 feet offshore.

Besides their unique diving behaviors these ducks are very social with their own species and spend most of their lives in one group or another. Males and females molt at different times of the year.  Males molt between July and September while females molt between August and October.

These are very vocal ducks, they have a variety of different calls including a growling, clucking, squawking, and yodeling sound. The most common call resembles a “ow-owooolee” and is loud, nasally and incessant. Additional calls include a “gut-gut” sound while feeding and the duck may bark when it is alarmed.

Nests are constructed on the ground, near the water’s edge and consists of a shallow scrape lined with willow and birch leaves and layered in down.

Conservation Status
Vulnerable. Populations are appearing to decline range-wide but exact numbers are hard to calculate because of the duck’s offshore wintering grounds. The species saw a large decline in numbers during the 1950’s due to entanglement in nets, especially on the Great Lakes. The duck is also susceptible to avian cholera and influenza.  According to the University of Michigan, the current estimated population is between 6.2 to 6.8 million individual ducks.

Interesting Facts
  • According to Cornell Lab, “of all diving ducks, the Long-tailed Duck spends the most time under water relative to time on the surface. When it is foraging it is submerged three to four times as much as it is on top of the water.”
  • The average lifespan in the wild for a Long-tailed Duck is 15.3 years.
  • Hatchlings leave the nest once they are dry and can immediately feed themselves.
Your Bird Crew,
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Science Daily - November 24, 2013

Great lakes waterfowl die-offs: Finding the source

This image shows experimental measurement of the drag on a partially submerged waterbird in waves. (Credit: FAU/K.von Ellenrieder)

Great lakes waterfowl die-offs: Finding the source

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Science Daily - November 4, 2013

Elusive Bay Cat Caught On Camera

Bay cat, Pardofelis badia. Until now, the bay cat (Pardofelis badia) had been recorded on camera traps just a handful of times in its Borneo forest home and was only photographed in the wild for the first time in 2003. (Credit: Copyright Oliver Wearn, SAFE Project.)

Elusive bay cat caught on camera

Science Daily - November 8, 2013

High Bat Mortality from Wind Turbines

High bat mortality from wind turbines

Science Daily - November 14, 2013

Laysan duck with ducklings. (Credit: Jimmy Breeden)

World's Most Irreplaceable Protected Areas Identified

World's most irreplaceable protected areas identified

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Michigan Audubon connecting birds and people - November 8, 2013

Featuring: The Green-winged Teal
One of the smallest ducks of North America

Breeding Grounds
The teal spends its summer in most of Canada, along with states such as Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Maine.
Migration Range
The Green-winged Teal migrates through the midline of the U.S. including Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indian, southern parts of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.  The duck has a year-round range in the western portion of the U.S. in Wyoming, Idaho, Utah and Colorado.

Wintering Grounds
The duck winters in all of the southern states in the U.S. along with Mexico and islands in the Caribbean.

Size & Shape
The duck displays a short neck and bill. As one of the smallest ducks in North America the Green-winged Teal only measures around 12.2 to 15.4 inches in length, with a wingspan around 20.5 to 23.2 inches and weighs 4.9 to 17.6 ounces.


MaleMale_GWTL 2
The male has a chestnut colored head with a patch that goes from the eyes to the nape of the neck that is an iridescent green to purple. The chest is a brownish-pink color with small black spots while the back, sides and flanks are wavy grey with a white wing bar. The wing coverts are a brownish grey color with a hint of green.  Both the bill and feet are grey.
Less vibrantly colored than the males, females display a molted brown all over with a green wing patch and a dark brown line that extends from the bill through the eye.  Like the male, the bill is also grey but the feet are olive grey to brownish grey. The female is slightly smaller than the male.

Green-winged Teals prefer small, shallow permanent ponds, marshlands and marshy lakes near boreal forests that boast an abundance of emergent vegetation.  They can also be found during the breeding season in the prairie pothole country or in areas with dense emergent vegetation.

The dabbler duck eats the seeds of sedges, smartweeds, pondweeds, grasses, aquatic insects, mollusks, crustaceans and tadpoles. Young teal consume insects.

The Teal is an early migrants and can be observed flying south in large flocks. The males depart before the females.  Female Green-wined Teals work together to protect broods from predators such as skunks and crows.

Males are more vocal than females and are known for their high-pitched preep-preep call.  Females give off a sharp high quack noise when flushed.

Conservation Status
Least Concern. In 1962, the Green-winged Teal population hit an all time low of 722,000 birds, since then their population has been steadily increasing and in 2009, the duck hit an all time high of 3.4 million individual ducks.

Interesting Facts

  • Young Green-winged Teals have the fastest growth rate of all ducks.
  • According to Cornell Lab, “The American and Eurasian forms of the Green-winged Teal were formerly considered different species. The Eurasian teal differ from the American by lacking the vertical white shoulder stripe and having a horizontal white stripe along the back instead. Eurasian teal show up casually each year along both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.”
  • The duck is among the fastest game bird capable of flying 60 MPH but more often is clocked at 50 MPH.
Your Bird Crew,
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Thursday, November 7, 2013


I will never fully appreciate the depth of God's creation. In just my small yard, there are flora and fauna, large and small. Some are obvious like the oaks, the ferns, the squirrels and chickadees. But there are also slugs and microbes, bacteria and lichen that escape my vision.

At this time of the year the cycle of decomposition holds forth. The supple, green leaves have hardened, died and fallen to the ground. The summer birds have long departed, leaving nectar and seeds uneaten to rot in the feeders.

The light of day shortens and darkness dominates. All of creation is preparing for the arrival of winter, those long white months of silence. I too, am getting ready. Gone are the sandals, replaced by heavy socks and boots. The coats come out frequently now; even warm autumn days have a tinge of winter chill in its breath.

Despite all the work needed to prepare for the snow, I find my own movement slowing down; a seasonal change to align with the quiet that the thick layer of snow brings. Even the rain has changed. It sounds colder now; the pitter-patter of summer sprinkles has given way to heavy thuds on the roofs and ground. Autumn in all her color is only a gateway to the somber arrival of winter. The cycle of new birth and growth has passed. It's time to sit back and rest.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Science Daily - October 25, 2013

Callicebus caquetensis -- Colombia. This new species, Callicebus caquetensis , is one of about 20 species of titi monkey, which all live in the Amazon basin. The babies have an endearing trait, "When they feel very content they purr towards each other," explained scientist Thomas Defler. (Credit: Copyright Thomas Defler)

Monkey that purrs like a cat is among new species discovered in Amazon rainforest

Michigan Audubon - October 25, 2013

Featuring: Red-shouldered Hawk
One of the most distinctively marked common hawks

Grounds (breeding, migration, wintering): Red-shouldered Hawks are resident to medium-distance migrants. The year-round range for these hawks includes Wisconsin, Michigan and Connecticut to its north, south to Florida and west to eastern parts of Texas.  Breeding ranges include northern Wisconsin and into Montana, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and portions of the Northern Lower Peninsula, the southern part of Ontario and the northern most New England states.  Some of the southern species will winter in Mexico.

Size & Shape
Red-shouldered Hawks are medium-sized hawks displaying broad, rounded wings and a medium-length tail that fans out during soaring.  As an adult this bird measures 16.9-24 inches in length with a wingspan between 37-43.7 inches and weighs around 1-1.7 pounds.

ColoringRSHA 130119 tpsp adult  flying MG9360 2
Mature hawks are very colorful having barred reddish underparts, strongly banded black and white tail and wings. Immatures are not as colorful, displaying brown above and white underneath that is streaked with brown.  Both immature and mature hawks show a pale, narrow crescent near its wingtips during flight.

Predominantly forest raptors, Red-shouldered Hawks prefer bottomland hardwood stands, flooded deciduous swamps, and upland mixed deciduous–conifer forests. They tend to be found in open subcanopies allowing for easier hunting. More recently, the hawks have also adapted to living in suburban areas where houses and building are situated in woodlands.

Small mammals, lizards, snakes, and amphibians make up most of the hawk’s diet.  Occasionally they consume birds; recorded prey has included sparrows, starlings, and doves.  Red-shouldered Hawks perch on a branch in the forest canopy and wait for their prey.  They quickly descend, gliding gracefully and snatch up their prey.

Red-shouldered Hawks are monogamous for the year.  The male will perform a ”sky-dance” in which he calls while soaring, making a series of steep dives and then climbing back up in a wide, spiral incline, finally he dives rapidly towards the female until he perches upon her back.

The hawks are extremely territorial and will chase off most predators including crows, Great Horned Owls and even humans.

The call of the Red-shouldered Hawk is very distinct and if memorized is a great way to locate the bird. The call is described as a kee-ahh sound that repeats 5-12 times with each note lasting around half of a second.

Nests are reused each year by the same pair.  They are constructed of sticks, twigs, bark, moss, lichens, and conifer sprigs with the parents adding fresh green leaves throughout the nesting season.  The nest measures around two feet in diameter and is usually located in a broad-leaf tree below the forest canopy but towards the top of the tree. Nests are usually near a water source.

Conservation Status
Nationally, the hawk is listed as least concern with population levels appearing to be stable.  However, in Michigan (and surrounding states) the Red-shouldered Hawk is listed as state threatened due to drastic decreases in suitable habitat and the use of DDT in the middle of the 20th century.

Interesting Facts

  • According to Cornell Lab, “The Red-shouldered Hawk is divided into five subspecies. The four eastern forms contact each other, but the West Coast form is separated from the eastern forms by 1600 km (1000 mi). The northern form is the largest. The form in very southern Florida is the palest, having a gray head and very faint barring on the chest.
  • At five days old the nestling can shoot their feces over the nest edge.  A good indication of an active nest is a good amount of bird poop on the ground below.
  • One hawk in California occupied the same nest for 16 years in a row.
  • The oldest recorded Red-shouldered Hawk was at least 22 years and 5 months old.  Banded in Florida in 1989, it was found dead (victim of a raptor attack) in Florida in 2009.
  • The best time to observe Red-shouldered Hawk migration is in late October.

Your Bird Crew,
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Michigan Audubon - September 27, 2013

Featuring: The Orange-crowned Warbler
A warbler lacking field marks
Breeding Grounds
This warbler can be found in the summer months in most of Canada and the west coast of the US ranging from central California north to Washington and in some parts of Nevada and Utah.

Migration Range

Now is the perfect time to see these warblers as they migrate through Michigan, you even have a chance of spotting these warblers at CraneFest!  The Orange-crowned warbler migrates mainly through the central and eastern US states along with the southern west coast and portions of Mexico.

Wintering Grounds
During the winter months this warbler can be found in the southern states of the US ranging from California to North Carolina and throughout Mexico and Central America.

Size & Shape
The Orange-crowned Warbler is a small songbird and a medium-sized warbler.  It measures 4.3 to 5.5 inches in length with a wingspan around 7.5 inches and weighs 0.2 to 0.4 of an ounce.

Both sexes are a dusky olive green color with a grayer crown, whitish or yellowish eye ring and blurry streaks, the female is duller than the male.  The bird's lack of any field marks is what helps identify this warbler.  It does in fact have an orange crown which is often concealed except during courtship or when alarmed.

During summer and winter the warbler prefers forest edges, especially in low deciduous growth, burns, clearings and thickets. During migration, it is often observed in riverside willows and in scrub oak chaparral.

The Orange-crowned Warbler feed predominately on insects and spiders.  It will occasionally eat berries, nectar or peanut butter.

Very active foragers, the warbler gleans insects from leaves and tree blossoms and rapidly moves from perch to perch.

The song of this warbler is a fast trill that changes pitch at the end. Its call is a sharp chip.

Nests are constructed on the ground, usually on a steep slope.  The open cup shaped nest consist of leaves, fine twigs, bark, rootlets, weeds, moss, plant down or wool, lined with fine grasses, moss or fur.

Conservation Status

Least Concern. Populations are doing well over most of its range.  The warbler may be experiencing a gradual long-term decline.

Interesting Facts

  • According to Cornell Lab of Ornithology, “The Orange-crowned Warbler is divided into four subspecies that differ in plumage color, size, and molt patterns. The one named celata is found in Alaska and across Canada, and it is the dullest and grayest. The Pacific Coast form, lutescens, is the brightest yellow. Found throughout the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin, orestera is intermediate in appearance. The form sordida is the darkest green and is found only on the Channel Islands and locally along the coast of southern California and northern Baja California.”
  • Late migrants for the warbler species (late-September through mid-October), many if not all of the early fall (August to early September) reports of the Orange-crowned Warblers in the eastern US are actually dull Tennessee Warblers.

Your Bird Crew,
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Michigan Audubon Connecting birds and people - September 20, 2013

Featuring: The Osprey
A conservation success story
Breeding Grounds
The Osprey requires large, open areas and calls most of Canada home during the summer months.  Breeding ospreys are found as far north as Alaska, south to Washington and Oregon and east to Michigan and Maine.

Migration Range
Osprey can be found migrating through most of the US, Mexico and northern parts of Central America.

Wintering Grounds
This hawk winters on the coasts in Central America and throughout the entire South American continent, except the southernmost portions of Chile and Argentina.

Size & Shape
Osprey 100624 banded yellow flyingTuttle MG352 - Copy
Ospreys are large hawks with a unique shape.  Despite their size they have slender features, including long narrow wings and thin legs. The bird measures 21.3 to 22.8 inches in length with a wingspan of 59.1 to 70.9 inches and weighs around 3.1 to 4.4 pounds.

Ospreys are whiter than most other raptor species, with white below and brown above.  When soaring you can see the white underneath including the wings which have a prominent dark patch as the wrists (picture right, credit: Roger Eriksson).  The head is white with a broad brown strip through the eyes.

Unable to dive any deeper than three feet, Ospreys lean towards areas of habitat with shallow fish-filled water including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, lagoons, swamps and marshes. Nests are located now farther than 12 miles from accessible fish.

These hawks are unique because they are the only hawk species to feed exclusively on live fish
(fish make up 99 percent of their diet).  They consume both fresh and saltwater fish that measure between 6-13 inches in length. They also get the majority of their water from eating fish. Osprey are excellent anglers, catching a fish on average every one out of four times, although some possess a 70% success rate.

Ospreys are good at soaring and diving but are not as agile as other hawks.  They are mostly solitary birds who prefer to roost alone but may be seen with a small winter flock of six to ten other Osprey. The hawk is not overly territorial and only defends the nest and immediate area rather than a larger territory. Males perform a “sky dance” for females in which they dangle their legs with a fish or nesting material alternating between soaring and slow, shallow wing beats.  His performance can occur as high as 600 feet above the nest site and will last around 10 minutes.

For the size of the bird their calls are much less intimidating.  Ospreys have high-pitched, whistling voices, sometimes similar to a whistling kettle.

Nest materials, including bark, sod, grasses, vines, algae, or flotsam and jetsam, are collected by the male and the nest is constructed by the female.  In the first year the pair will usually construct a small nest less than 2.5 feet in diameter and only a mere three to six inches in depth.  After generations of adding to the nest Osprey can have nests as large as three to six feet in diameter and 10-13 feet in depth.  That’s big enough for a human to sit in!

Nest are found on snags, treetops or between large branches and trunks; on cliffs or human-built platforms.  Many buildings now have Osprey Cams.

Conservation Status
Least Concern. However, this wasn’t always the case, populations plummeted in the early 1950’s to 1970’s due to pesticide positioning.  Between New York and Boston along the east coast 90 percent of breeding pairs disappeared. In 1972, the U.S. banned the use of DDT (which made the Osprey’s egg shells too thin to incubate) and populations quickly recovered.  Destruction of habitat also affected the hawk greatly such as the removal of trees and new developments along the coastline.  Now specially constructed platforms have helped the bird’s population.

Interesting Facts

  • During the Osprey’s 15-20 year lifespan they may log more than 160,000 migration miles. “During 13 days in 2008, one Osprey flew 2,700 miles—from Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, to French Guiana, South America.” (Cornell Labs)
  • Osprey’s have a reversible outer toe, allowing them to grasps with two toes in the front and two behind. This is unusual among hawks.
  • The average time the bird spends hunting for fish is 12 minutes with a above average catch rate.
  • According to Cornell, “The name "Osprey" made its first appearance around 1460, via the Medieval Latin phrase for "bird of prey" (avis prede). Some wordsmiths trace the name even further back, to the Latin for "bone-breaker"—ossifragus.”
  • The oldest known Osprey was 25 years and two months old.
Your Bird Crew,
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cornell Lab of Ornithology - NestWatch - September 17, 2013

Paint peels from a nest box housing these Tree Swallow nestlings. Photo by Jonathan Morgan.


To Paint, or Not to Paint?

NestWatchers often ask if it is safe to use paint or stain to preserve a nest box, so we recently published a new FAQ article about this at The controversy lies in the fact that there are no conclusive studies that determine whether residual fumes from paint, stains, or pressure treatment can harm the birds. Some builders argue that it takes longer to paint a box than it does to build a new one, and that paint must be reapplied every few years to be effective. Others point out that trees can be spared if nest boxes are made to last longer. And there are many who claim that the risk from birds overheating in an unpainted box is greater than the risk of toxic fumes.

Without peer-reviewed studies on this topic to guide us, we recommend using untreated, unpainted wood to construct boxes because it most closely resembles what the birds would have used before the advent of nest boxes. A well-constructed house should last 10–15  years on its own (cedar, spruce, white pine, and yellow pine are good rot-resistant choices for lumber). Pressure-treated wood has been saturated with a combination of pesticide and fungicide, and therefore, should be avoided as nest box material. Alternatively, you can extend the life of your nest box by gluing all the seams of the non-opening sides before nailing them. Recess the floor about ¼″ to reduce deterioration from moisture. Use only durable materials, especially for the roof, which deteriorates faster than the other panels. You can further protect the box by placing the roof panel such that the growth rings bend down in a "frown" rather than up in a "smile." When the roof begins to warp in the direction of its growth rings (as all solid lumber will do), then it will warp downward and still protect the box from rain. Angled roofs will last longer than flat roofs, but flat-roofed boxes can be mounted at a slight downward angle to shed rain.

We do recognize that in hot climates, where daytime temperatures regularly exceed 95°F, some nest box monitors choose to paint the exterior of boxes so that they stay cooler. Proper ventilation and a roof that extends two inches over the sides will help shade the box and protect it from the elements, reducing the need for paint. However, some additional cooling may be gained by painting the roof and exterior walls a light color (white is preferred for Purple Martin houses, but opt for tan, gray, or dull green for other cavity-nesting species as these are less conspicuous to predators). If paint is deemed necessary by the monitor, then it should only be applied to the exterior, never the inside. Even zero- and low-emissions latex paint formulas or oil-based stains can release fumes for months, so if you paint, plan to do so in the fall, which will give fumes time to dissipate throughout the winter as the paint cures.
Thank you for your contributions to science and the birds!

Jason Martin signature

Jason Martin, Project Leader

Contact Us

Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Monday, September 9, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

A chance encounter with a chickadee

A chickadee struck the back sliding door Wednesday afternoon. I had not heard the strike but the cats did and they huddled around the screen gakking and pacing back and forth. Knowing that Lucy and Gracie were outside, I ran out the door and found the small bird sitting on the ground, stunned. Without hesitation, I picked up the chickadee, cupping it in my hand to prevent it from struggling that could injure a wing or leg.

When I was rehabilitating wildlife, I had found and used frequently a small plastic reptile cage.  The cage had a screened, easily removable cover and clear plastic sides that allowed me to carry wildlife safely with less stress to the animal. Despite the fact that I no longer rehabilitate, I kept the cages and my heavy duty gloves for situations as this.

With bird in hand, I opened the cage lid and lined the bottom with a small pad.  I gently placed the bird inside and replaced the cover. A clean rag was warmed and put under and up one side of the cage and the cage and bird were moved to the living room where it was quiet and free from nosy cats.

With the bird attended to, I returned to making my jam. In a short while I could hear chirping coming from the other room. Picking up the cage, I walked out the front door and removed the cover. The chickadee flew off to resume his life.

I didn’t think much about the episode until later that evening. Rescuing and releasing birds has been something I have done without much thought. It didn’t even occur to me what a great gift I had given to that chickadee and to the other animals that I have rescued, cared for and released. Too often I ponder what my purpose is in the world and I often see myself more as a taker than a giver. That grieves me.  Then I recall the story about the boy and the starfish. When questioned about the futility of rescuing one starfish, the boy responded, “It made a difference to that one!”

Not all of us are destined to be a Nelson Mandela, or a Jonas Salk, or a William Shakespeare. But if each one of us would step up wherever help is needed, what a better world we would have.