Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Monday Evening Festivities

I was witness to the funniest animal encounter in a long time.  Two young deer had come down from the woods to dine on the bird seed when Lola showed up from behind the storage building. Normally, the deer leave her alone, but these two youngsters had something else in mind.

As Lola ate, one of the deer sneaked up behind her. Startled, Lola ran across the yard and climbed about 10 feet up a white pine. The deer backed off and rejoined its partner. Sensing that the coast was clear, Lola turned around, scooted down the tree heading back to the food. As she walked across the yard, both deer circled around her, prancing and bucking their back legs as if to invite Lola to join in on their game. Lola wanted no part of their invitation and again scampered up the tree. This scenario repeated itself for about 15 minutes until Lola finally refused to come down. When the two deer backed off and wandered up the hillside, Lola ran and hid behind the storage building.  The deer continued to chase each other around the yard, eventually tiring and retreating back into the woods.  In time, Lola returned and finished her meal.

As much as I enjoyed watching the game, I am reminded how accepting many animals are of other species. The deer appeared to have no malicious intent except to engage Lola in their play. Lola, for her part, did not respond in anger but retreated until the deer bored of waiting for her. All of us can learn from these three and be a little more accepting and playful in our interactions with others.

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