Monday, August 20, 2012

It is all in the Details

I am fascinated with mourning doves and wild turkeys. One could ask what is so interesting about these two rather common birds. Neither are particularly pretty to the eye; you could say they are not even in the league of hummingbirds for their gracefulness or chickadees for their song.

For the longest time, I could not explain my fascination. It was once I began photographing the birds that the reasons became clear to me.

Look closely at the mourning dove. The dove's feathers are a soft gray color with black and white markings. His eyes are circled with a band of white. Then move down to the dove's legs and feet for they are the brightest shade of dark rose I have ever seen. Wow, I had never noticed that before.

Contrary to their somber appearance, no squawking and chattering like you find in blue jays, you always know when the mourning doves takes flight. Their wings produce a helicopter-like sound that is unmistakable. Can you say that of any other bird?

Then there is the wild turkey. Visually, it isn't a beautiful bird, but how many birds have luminescent feathers? From its glittering pink head to its copper-colored tail feathers, the turkey glistens in the sunlight. What nature deprived in physical beauty, made up with a dazzling array of color.

I often hear animals labeled by what we humans deem attractive. Yes the baby panda is adorable, the peacock's tail feathers spectacular but the spider and snake, not so much. But there is beauty in every animal if you take a moment to observe them. So the next time you see an animal that you initially describe as ugly, stop and really look closely. You might change your mind.

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