Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lucy on the Loose

I got up early this morning to do some raking before the predicted rain this afternoon. Joining me as I raked was Gracie, my outdoor cat along with Lucy, my indoor kitty who enjoys going out. As my cats get older, I often allow them, under supervision, to be out of doors without a leash. Lucy being the ripe old age of 18 has now earned that privilege so as I walked out the back door, she cheerfully followed.

I began my raking with Luce sitting on the patio looking around. I soon became absorbed in my task giving the old girl the opportunity to do some exploring. It wasn’t long before I realized that Lucy was nowhere to be found. In a panic, I scour my yard and that of my neighbors in hopes that she hadn’t wandered far. Ten minutes later, I saw her walking across the neighbor’s back yard, now on a mission to check out the hillside. Needless to say, I quickly captured the intrepid wanderer and sent her inside.

Lucy is a smart cat so it’s not that she isn’t able to defend herself, but time has robbed her of her hearing. Neighborhood dogs and cats sneak up on her, startling and sending her into a howling frenzy. She even slept through the holiday fireworks that sent my other cats scurrying into the basement.

Lucy has been with me since she was 3 months old. I had adopted her as a playmate for my one year old Max who had decided that tormenting older brother Tristan was his purpose in life. By bringing home a kitten closer to Max’s age, I thought the two would become playmates, freeing poor old T from the constant harassment.

Well that plan didn’t quite work out well. Lucy, headstrong and feisty from the onset, took one look at the other two male cats in the house and set down the rules. “Mess with me”, Lucy showed and “I’ll kick your butt”. And butt kick she did and still does. With Max and Tristan passed on, Lucy now assumes the role of eldest cat, regal, proud and still queen of the house.

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